You are a green alien person of some unnamed species, that decides to leave home to embark on a big and dangerous journey to reach the summit of the big mountains in the north. You are equipped with nothing but yourself and must avoid dangers around every corner. Luckily, certain objects and devices are scattered around, that will help you. 

I describe the game as a new take on the Maze genre. As stated above, you are completely unarmed. The only help, you can get is from the use of Power Ups.
In this demo, three levels and a short bit of the fourth are playable. Each level consists of five areas, where the fifth area contains a boss fight. 


At places with buttons and text, the mouse is used for interactions. 

-Use the arrow keys or WASD keys to move. 

-Press P to pause the game and bring up a pause menu.  Here you can access a "How to play" section which contains information about how certain things in the game work as well as good hints

-Press X, when having certain Power Ups to use their power

-Press Z, to use an antidote, if you have one, if you are Wounded, which is a certain condition in the game, that can be contracted by collision with certain enemies and hazards. 

Some things to note

Most of the time, you are going to avoid enemies. They will often walk in a fixed path pattern. Try to notice that and time that with your own movement to get past them.

All Power Ups are limited to a short duration. If you happen not to complete a task, where you are required to use that certain Power Up, then it will reappear at the place, where you picked it up. The same thing applies, if your Power Up is suddenly interrupted by another, eg. you are hit by an obstacle, that causes you the Wound condition. Then the Power Up will still appear at the place, you picked it up after the duration of the picked up Power Up has passed. 

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